阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Atoneintheafternoon,Jackishavingl

       At one in the afternoon, Jack is having lunch with his friend Peter. Peter is very fat. He likes good food and
eats a lot. They sit at a table. They buy some nice things to eat. After lunch they eat some other food. "We could
go now, Peter." Jack says, "We are here for a long time. It's three now." "Oh, no. We can't leave (离开) now,  
Jack. It's time for tea."
(     ) 1. Jack and Peter are classmates.
(     ) 2. Peter likes eating very much.
(     ) 3. They are having supper together now.
(     ) 4. They stay here for about two hours.
(     ) 5. Peter doesn't want to go.

1. F    2. T    3. F    4. T    5. T


