阅读下面一段短文,根据要求答题。 IhaveanewPEteacher.Hisname

       I have a new PE teacher. His name is Kim. He's 24 years old. He's from Canada. He's a university student.
He's tall and strong. He's smart and funny.I like to play with  him. He's active in the playground. He can play
football. We are good friends.  
(一) 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
(     ) 1. The new PE teacher is a lady.
(     ) 2. The new PE teacher can play football.
(     ) 3. The new PE teacher is short and thin.
(     ) 4. The new PE teacher is quiet.
(     ) 5. The new PE teacher is the rabbit.
(二) 回答问题。
6. Is Kim a girl?
7. How old is he?
8. Is he from USA?
9. What's he like?
10. Is my PE teacher a university student?  

1-5: FTFFF        
6. No, Kim is a boy.        
7. He is 24 years old.      
8. No, he is from Canada.        
9. He is tall and strong.      
l0. Yes, he is.


